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Besides SEO, what other ways do companies have to promote their brand products? Let us introduce you Xiaohongshu SEM search ads!

【Posted on: 2019 July】

Besides SEO, what other ways do companies have to promote their brand products? Let us introduce you Xiaohongshu SEM search ads! | Octoplus Media

Besides SEO services that promote WOM, Xiaohongshu recently launched paid SEM services, which allow brands to directly promote their products. Their SEM services can be categorized into two parts: search ads and native ads. In this article, let us introduce the Xiaohongshu search ads.

Search ads appear based on users’ search query. Xiaohongshu ad system will split and recognize valuable business terms, match to your targeted keywords, and display your ad.

It supports two match types:
1. Exact match: Search query equals keyword
2. Phrase match: Search query completely includes keyword

Search ads are displayed on 3rd, 13th, or 23rd of search results. Ad types can be categorized into these two: content seeding & conversion type (click a search result and enter post page) and direct conversion type (click a search result and enter e-commerce page).

Two types of Xiaohongshu search ads

Regarding Xiaohongshu ads’ specific delivery method/strategy and how to maximize results, or finding a one-stop solution for Xiaohongshu brand and mall management to boost your brands influence on Xiaohongshu, get in touch with the #OctoPlus team today. We will provide you the most professional Xiaohongshu management service.

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