OctoPlus Media Logo

Our Mission

Our Team

At OctoPlus Media, we excel in the dynamic Chinese market, providing tailored services that help brands succeed. As a comprehensive China marketing agency, we are committed to delivering exceptional results, elevating your brand to new heights.

With our headquarters in Hong Kong and offices in Malaysia, Singapore, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and New York, our team comprising mainland Chinese experts, native English speakers, and Cantonese speakers to ensure seamless communication and valuable cultural insights, making us the perfect bridge between China and the global market.

Achieve your Marketing Goals with OctoPlus Media

OctoPlus Media is your ideal partner for marketing in China. With our unparalleled expertise, innovative solutions, and proven track record, we are dedicated to unlocking your brand’s potential and driving success in the vibrant Chinese market.

Reach out to us today to unlock your brand’s potential and begin your journey to success in the dynamic Chinese market.

Contact Us

Feel free to talk to us

Talk to our team.
It’s a team with one single shared goal, which is our client’s success. Deliver results for your business now. 
 Email: bd@octoplusmedia.com

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