First Overseas Live Streaming Session On WeChat For SaSa Hong Kong
Today is the day! We will be having the FIRST overseas live streaming session on WeChat for SaSa in Hong Kong at 2.00PM today!
Live streaming is a favourite pastime for Chinese netizens, and it’s now gaining even more users as people increasingly use it for shopping. China has 560 million live streamers, and nearly half of them, about 265 million people, are now use live streaming for e-commerce.
This is the first-ever cross-border WeChat live streaming on WeChat mini program, also the first in Hong Kong to do so. This live event is a collaborative effort from SaSa, WeChat and OctoPlus Media Global Limited.
We are delighted to host this live-streaming shop tour at the time of social distancing! Don’t miss the show today and hope everyone finds it enjoyable!

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