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Xiaohongshu Marketing-XHS Overseas Market Size & Audience Reach by Country

Based on Official XHS’s Ad DMP data, we ranked the countries by active user number:

Xiaohongshu Marketing-XHS Overseas Market Size & Audience Reach by Country

**We will issue latest data insights monthly**

The highest Xiaohongshu’s overseas market size is Taiwan, followed by Malaysia, and then Hong Kong and Singapore. As there is a significant amount of Xiaohongshu content is created outside of China, particularly in Malaysia and Singapore.

Xiaohongshu is known globally as “China’s Instagram”. With more than 150 million users who are actively using it, Xiaohongshu is China’s biggest platform for lifestyle content. The platform-like aspect of Xiaohongshu is mostly to account for the rise in the number of foreign users.

OctoPlus Media has been working with Xiaohongshu to offer XHS advertising geo-targeting each specific country outside of China to fulfill the international business’ requirement on Xiaohongshu. Feel free to contact our China expert team on Xiaohongshu advertising & marketing for your destination market.

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