Xiaohongshu (RED) Marketing Hacks: How to Optimize Your XiaoHongShu Account for Success? Answers to Your Top 100 Questions (Part 1)

The Basics: Everything you need to know about setting up a (RED) account and getting started on Xiaohongshu.
The sections covered will include:
- The Basics: How to setting up and getting started on XiaoHongShu.
- Xiaohongshu Marketing Violation Policy: Ensuring Compliance and Account Integrity.
- Captivating Xiaohongshu Notes: Boosting Exposure and Utilizing Data Insights
- The Comprehensive Marketing Guide to Note Compilation on Xiaohongshu
- Unlocking Efficient Traffic Generation on Xiaohongshu
- Xiaohongshu Marketing Tips: Boost Your Success on the Platform
1. Can I log in to multiple accounts simultaneously using one mobile phone?
It is not recommended to use one mobile phone for multiple account logins. The principle is one device, one account. If you repeatedly switch logins on the same phone and the same app, there is a risk of reduced credibility and being identified as a spam account.
2. Is it possible for two phones to be logged into the same XiaoHongShu account at the same time?
No. When Phone A logs into XiaoHongShu, it will automatically force Phone B, which is logged into the same account, to log out.
3. What should I do after registering a new account on XiaoHongShu?
It is recommended to “nurture” the account, which means you need to make the system recognize that you are a real user and not a robot engaged in account farming. For Personal Accounts, it is advisable to nurture them for about a week, while for Business Accounts, around three days of nurturing is recommended. During this nurturing period, you should browse and interact on the platform like a regular user would.
4. What are the consequences of frequently modifying my personal profile?
The personal profile can only be modified three times per week. If the personal profile is frequently in violation of the rules, it will affect the account’s credibility. If you receive a violation warning, please make the necessary modifications immediately.
5. Can I include WeChat, email or phone contact information in my personal profile?
Redirecting traffic to external platforms in XiaoHongShu is strictly prohibited. There is a risk of having your contact information removed if you include any external contact methods. However, including an email address is relatively safer, as you can set up an automated reply with your WeChat ID in the email response.
6. Is it allowed to use a WeChat QR code as my XiaoHongShu profile picture?
No, that kind of redirecting method is too obvious. Whether it’s in the profile picture, note content, or other image placements, including a QR code is considered a violation of the rules.
7. Can I post my WeChat ID in Moments on XiaoHongShu?
No, posting your WeChat ID in Moments will also result in a violation warning.
8.How does data manipulation affect XiaoHongShu accounts?
Artificial interventions such as buying data or manipulating data can be detected by the XiaoHongShu algorithm, leading to the removal of the manipulated data and recording of the violation. Currently, participating in keyword optimization activities within the “HongShu Bao” community can relatively safely and effectively improve the ranking of accounts and notes.
9. What factors can influence the data of my notes on XiaoHongShu?
The credibility of an account can significantly influence note data. For new accounts, the account credibility to be relatively low, resulting in lower chances of content being recommended by the system, discovered through user searches, or going viral.
10. Is it abnormal for a note to have only around 100 views on XiaoHongShu?
If you have recently registered the account, having 100-200 views is considered normal, as it may be due to the account being new and having low credibility. However, if the account has been active for some time, it may be necessary to reflect on the content itself. Check if the content violates any guidelines, is of low quality, or appears too promotional. The issue may not necessarily lie with the account itself.
11. Is it possible to delete notes in bulk? Is there any impact to my account?
Deleting a small number of notes is possible, but it is not recommended to delete notes in bulk. Deleting a large number of notes may reduced the account’s credibility and may result in account anomalies.
12.How many accounts can I authenticate with real name verification? How many enterprise accounts can be verified with one business license?
One ID card can only authenticate one account. One business license can authenticate three enterprise accounts.
13. What are the benefits of verifying a Business Account? Can I operate without verification?
Verifying a Business Account is like obtaining a pass for commercial activities. It allows you to engage in brand cooperation advertisements, open a store, purchase traffic, and more. Without verification, many features will be limited. However, it depends on your personal needs.
14. What are the requirements for opening a store in XiaoHongShu?
After verifying as a Business Account, you can open a store without any minimum fan threshold. Although there are no requirements for the number of fans, there are category-specific requirements. Some categories, such as skincare and medical fields, require qualifications to open a store.
15. How many XiaoHongShu accounts can be connected to one Wi-Fi network?
In general, connecting three XiaoHongShu accounts to one Wi-Fi is not a problem. However, it is not recommended to connect to public Wi-Fi networks.
16. Can I have multiple accounts with my real profile picture and appear in them simultaneously?
As long as the content is not duplicated and you do not publish prohibited content or engage in obvious traffic diversion and marketing, generally there should be no problem.
17. Where can I find account and note data on XiaoHongShu?
U can check recent 7-day and 30-day fan statistics, note summaries and individual note data in Creator Center.
18. Should I open a Personal Account or an Business Account?
A Personal Account is more suitable for bloggers and influencers, while an Business Account requires a business license. If there is a strong need for traffic diversion, it is recommended to open an Business Account.
19. Can males become XiaoHongShu creator?
Absolutely. XiaoHongShu is actively welcoming male creators, particularly in areas such as fashion, cars, electronics, and more.
20. How are XiaoHongShu account followers categorized based on their numbers?
Generally, within 5,000 followers is considered a novice user, within 10,000 followers is a junior influencer or KOC (Key Opinion Consumer), 10,000 to 50,000 is a mid-tier influencer, and above 50,000 is a top-tier influencer.
Next, we will share about Xiaohongshu Marketing Violation Policy: Ensuring Compliance and Account Integrity. If you wish to know more about Xiaohongshu Marketing or China Marketing, please contact us with the form below!
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